Restoring destroyed forests is critical to solving the climate crisis. Many amazing groups and organizations are doing this heroic work. Still, they urgently need more resources—that's where you come in!TAKE ACTION TO RESTORE
Even if we stopped using fossil fuels today, our planet would still need far more trees and forests to remove the very high levels of carbon in our atmosphere. Our planet was home to 6 trillion trees; now, only 3 trillion remain. And half of that loss has just occurred in only the past 100 years—which is barely a blink of an eye considering the millions of years it took to create Earth's bio-diverse landscapes. If we want to heal our planet and our climate, we must do all we can to restore our lost forests.
There are many environmental risks to consider when regrowing forests, especially in our rapidly changing climate. To help ensure the best results, we only fund tree restoration projects that are community-based operations. This way, we support the people who know the land best.